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Subtle Oscillation Massage Therapies, combining elements of Cranial, Cranial-Sacral, Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy, Strain – Counterstrain, Positional Release and Oscillation for neurovascular, brain, bone, visceral [organ] and fascial tissue including the spine and joints of arms, legs, hips and shoulders, as well as chakras and meridian system.


Auricular Medicine combining German, Anglo-Dutch and Chinese methods for healing the Autonomous Nervous System (ANS), energy and Chakra systems, and balancing the human energy field allowing the ANS to start restoring and healing the mind-body-spirit continuum.


Esotheric Acupuncture for the brain, nervous system, and spine.


Energy Psychology: combing elements of Inherited Family Trauma & Family Constellation Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Logo-synthesis for releasing trauma imprints, and Somato-Emotional release therapy, mindfulness and awareness for stress reduction, Focussing, Jungian Process Therapy working with the Dream Body, Hypnotherapy and Thought Field Tapping for difficult emotions.


On-Line Systemic Healing sessions: combining Energy Psychology methods with the Constellation Method using Footprints to help normalize the nervous system. This method can support you to heal the affects of injuries, trauma and shock in a gentle and supportive way. Learn more….

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